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Day 2 AARP Convention — Jitterbug phones

Jitterbug — Simple cell phone (Samsung hardware) — using it is easy — screen is readable, hearing-aid compatible, prompts are clear and doesn’t require a manual to figure out how to get your voicemail. One touch to 911, not linked with any service provider — so none of this ‘You can have a new phone if you extend your contract’ business. No roaming, no long distance, no time of day calling. The company is in the simplicity business, according to one marketer I like that — more technology providers should enter the ’simplicity’ business.

Remember the airline industry — which realized it was in the transportation business, not the airplane — and thus was born the Sabre reservation system. Or the logistics business that was born out of package delivery. Imagine if simplicity was the core theme and passion of PC, operating system, and software designers (including blogging tools) everywhere. For example, I inquired at the HP booth whether anyone at HP was in charge of design of overall messaging strategy for aging population. None noted. (If you’ve got that, HP, mea culpa. Would love to talk). More when I have organized, stacked, and sorted all of the material from this event. If you are in the ‘aging in place’ technology industry and don’t attend the next AARP convention (Las Vegas, October, 2009) — you are missing an audience opportunity. Housing, home design, geriatric care managers, healthcare, insurance. All there (not to mention every form of home entertainment.) Next up, I’ll talk about Megatouch MindSpark. Whew…

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