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AgeTek Announces Bud Myers as CEO

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – May 27, 2010
Today, the Aging Technology Alliance ( announced the appointment of its first chief executive officer, Bud Myers. For years, Mr. Myers served as Sr. Director of Merchandising at boomer-focused catalog and online retailer FirstSTREET ( and is a well-known expert in the baby-boomer and consumer electronics markets.


“Bud has played a significant role helping the alliance transition from idea to reality.” said Peter Radsliff, board chairman of the Aging Technology Alliance and CEO of Presto Services Inc. “We were tremendously lucky to have acquired Bud in the first year of the alliance.”


“I look forward to helping AgeTek move out of ‘formation’ mode and into ‘action’ mode.” said Mr. Myers, “We have a robust agenda focused on helping our members’ businesses become successful and there’s lots to do.”


The non-profit Aging Technology Alliance is also announcing that it has just become incorporated in the state of California and is about to post the names of its founding member companies. The alliance gave a deadline of May 31, 2010 to companies applying for regular or associate membership to be considered “founding” members. Interested companies have a few more days to send their application — which can be found at —to with their first year dues by check to: Aging Technology Alliance, 3701 Sacramento Street – #496, San Francisco, CA 94118


Companies wishing to find out more information should visit or email the address above.

The Aging Technology Alliance ( was established in 2010 to promote the awareness, benefits and value of products and services for an aging society while directly benefiting its members by evolving into the world’s leading aging-focused technology consortium. For more information, visit:


Peter Radsliff, chairman ad hoc board of directors, Aging Technology Alliance

email:    phone: 415.850.1971


© 2010 Alliance Technology Alliance. “Aging Technology Alliance” and “AgeTek” are unregistered trademarks of the Aging Technology Alliance.
No endorsement or affiliation is implied between the Aging Technology Alliance and any other group.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010


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