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Dealing with companies, customer service can take valuable time. Let your favorite AI bot come to the rescue.


Study notes critical gaps in care and services that must be addressed to meet the growing demands of the aging population in the U.S. 


After multiple undetected falls, the son decided to take his mother home. 


Every year, falls among older Americans result in about 3.6 million ER visits and 1.2 million hospital stays, costing roughly $80 billion. 


About 74% of middle-aged and senior Americans would have very little to no trust in health info generated by AI.

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senior living

Six recent Voice/Conversational AI innovations for older adults

Older adults benefit from voice-AI enabled innovation and deployment. And it looks like they will continue to benefit in 2022 and beyond. For one thing, at least two-thirds of older adults (age 70+) own smartphones, the 65+ population prefers Alexa among voice assistants, one-third of Americans have smart speakers. Researchers want to understand how best to create a voice assistant. Amazon’s Alexa Together wants to help monitor falls of older adults in senior living. Advice to seniors seeks to help older adults understand how to benefit from voice while aging in place. In addition, multiple senior living organizations have or are now publicizing their initiatives (information is from the publicly available material):

Caspar.Ai Granted Additional U.S. Patent For Artificial Intelligence Applications


SAN FRANCISCO, May 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The United States Patent Office has granted additional patent to BrainofT, Inc., Redwood City, CA d/b/a Caspar.AI. The announcement was made by Caspar.AI CEO and Co-Founder, Dr. Ashutosh Saxena and Dr. David Cheriton, Caspar.AI Chief Scientist and Co-Founder. The company applies artificial intelligence to the senior living market.

Honor buys Home Instead – a shakeup in the home care industry

Honor buys Home Instead: one of the newest acquires one of the oldest.  Honor, a recipient of $255 million in total investment (Series D in October, 2020), has pivoted here and there since its $20 million-fueled launch in 2015, always intent on disrupting the home care industry. For a while, many in the industry were skeptical. They viewed it as a threat – see interviewee comments in 2017’s Tech-Enabled Home Care.  Honor began as a home care company, then a home care tech platform company and buyer of smaller home care companies -- bulking up prior to Friday, when it acquired the largest home care company in both the US and UK– Home Instead.  


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