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Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.


AARP's AgeTech Collaborative now has a family of nearly 180 start-ups that address a broad range of products and services. 


Dealing with companies, customer service can take valuable time. Let your favorite AI bot come to the rescue.


Study notes critical gaps in care and services that must be addressed to meet the growing demands of the aging population in the U.S. 


After multiple undetected falls, the son decided to take his mother home. 

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Family caregivers


Family caregivers

HR: help caregiver employees learn about tools that could help them

MetLife study of working caregivers -- they're not well.  A 2010 study sponsored by MetLife examined the effect on healthcare costs associated with working caregivers who had elder care responsibilities, comparing their responses to non-caregiver employees.

New 'emotional networking' product aims to complement telehealth


CHICAGO – Emota, a technology startup company based in Menlo Park, Calif. that develops software and services for care of elderly patients, has announced its new "emotional networking" product, which it says will help clinicians, caregivers and families support wellness for the aged, enabling connectedness over long distances.

Emotional networking complements existing telehealth solutions, seeking to address not just clinical health, but emotional and social aspects of elder care.

Smoke signals and caregiving apps -- what should they do?

The year of the 'care'. As one VC executive, Andy Donner of Physic Ventures, noted recently, this is the year of the 'care'. There seems to be a growing list of vendors who are trying to offer some sort of 'keep in touch' product that connects an older person with family members who may live elsewhere.  The basic element is to provide some means to signal 'concerned about you' from family members and obtain the response 'I'm all right' from the older family member back to them -- accompanied by the ability to react in the event that the response is not received.


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