The over-65 age group is adopting Facebook faster than any age range: 6.5 million in May 2010 -- Facebook tries to automate dealing with users' deaths.
Tech coalitions -- small steps to the start of a community service? Last week was the start of a new Forum category, Community Coalitions About Aging Technology, with San Diego County as the first entrant - 'to help local organizations become more familiar with technologies that could help seniors in the county.' Soon to have their first meeting, Denise Nelesen spoke about the intent, which is to bring local organizations up to speed on what products are out there. She is particularly interested in moving beyond 'computers in libraries' to other categories of products that could be useful to seniors. If others have similar local initiatives and ideas about how to do this, please post in the forum.
LOS ALTOS, Calif. — June 7, 2010 — Presto Services Inc. announced today a new, free service that uses social media to connect generations becoming increasingly more separated by tech usage behavior.