Group aims to become the world’s leading aging-focused technology consortium
CHICAGO, IL – March 15, 2008 – Today, the formation of a consortium named the Aging Technology Alliance was announced by a group of companies and organizations from the home health technology industry. The announcement was made at the What’s Next Boomer Business Summit which is running alongside the Aging in America Conference sponsored by the National Council on Aging and American Society on Aging.
Everybody's doing it - reproving benefits of telehealth. When you put these together, you have to ask why. What is the reason that large organizations don't cite previous studies rather than spend money to prove the same point? We're not talking about drug trials here, we are talking about telehealth monitoring, a technology that has been around for a decade at least, that has been studied and deployed, but not uniformly reimbursed (which is the real problem here).
Apocalypse and opportunity -- the bet is that we're not going to age well. Our favorite gloom-and-doom source, CNBC, has offered up today's Doomsday Boomer Prediction. Those boomers are going to be a healthcare nightmare: "They visit the doctor more, they consume more services, and they aren’t afraid to use their $7 trillion in collective wealth to improve their quality of life.