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The oldest baby boomers turn 80 in less than a year, and the senior housing market is moving from glut to shortage.


Waterlily, a startup that aims to predict long-term care needs using artificial intelligence, secured $7 million in seed funding.


Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.


AARP's AgeTech Collaborative now has a family of nearly 180 start-ups that address a broad range of products and services. 


Dealing with companies, customer service can take valuable time. Let your favorite AI bot come to the rescue.

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Self-determination of seniors -- a product design framework

Many products and services want to help mitigate aging issues.  The great news is that I meet and hear new vendors tackling one or more opportunities emerging from our 'longevity revolution'. As I just heard AgeWave's Ken Dychtwald describe yesterday, we are in the midst of the first global societal experience in history of what it means when people live as long as they do today.

HR: help caregiver employees learn about tools that could help them

MetLife study of working caregivers -- they're not well.  A 2010 study sponsored by MetLife examined the effect on healthcare costs associated with working caregivers who had elder care responsibilities, comparing their responses to non-caregiver employees.

AARP and those boomers, recareerers and home-related professionals

Thinking about 'recareering?' You and many others.  In April 2009, AARP published a report called 'Older Workers on the Move: Recareering in Later Life', a term the study equates with 'occupational change' and 'career change.' This Urban Institute research noted that 43 percent of Americans working full time at ages 51 to 55 subsequently change employers, an

Old Age, New Gizmos -- or Gizmos Are Dead, Long Live Services?

Rant on.  The Times New Old Age take on this weekend's Silvers Summit at CES: "American tech companies, taking notice of the unmistakable demographic trends, have launched a surge." Is Silvers Summit a surge? Are 'major tech companies' actively and broadly engaged? What you're seeing (as described and in CES press releases) is some innovation from small start ups -- and in an unproven market area, it is probably best thought of as experimentation.

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Jitterbug Scoops up MobilWatch (Announced 11/4)


Jitterbug Acquires MobiWatch to Bring Easy-to-Use Personal Safety Services to Consumers Anytime, Anywhere

New “Mobile Safety Net” Joins Growing Collection of Services Within Jitterbug’s “Full-Service” Experience


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