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Press Quotes

AI Might Help Us Age in Place, May, 2024

AARP: How a Smart Home  Can Help You or a Loved One Age in Place Right Now, May, 2024

McKnights: Seniors' tech tools are useful, but not friendly enough, January, 2024

AARP: Can AI Help Fix the Caregiving Crisis, January, 2024

McKnights: Tech can aid senior living and care staff, September, 2023

NY Times: The 5 Best Cell Phones for Older Adults, June, 2023

Chicago Tribune: Technology is Making it Possible to Age in Place, Sept, 2022

AARP Magazine: What You Need to Make Your Home Smart, August, 2022

PERS Insider: The Evolution of the PERS Smartwatch, August, 2022

USA Today: Senior Friendly Tech, April, 2022

Pandemic’s lesson for aging: Stay in your home as long as you can, April, 2022

Boston Globe: The Age Wave is Coming, January, 2022

Best Buy Health Email Newsletter: 7 Key Trends to Watch, February, 2021

Reviewed: Here's What Assistive Technology Like Alexa can do for seniors, Nov, 2021

Podcast: Glowing Older, Game-Changing Technologies for Older Adults, Oct, 2021

AARP: Seven Tech Products to Help Loved Ones Age in Place, Oct, 2021

Vox: Elder-friendly technology is a growing market, Sept, 2021

HealthPopuli: Wearables are good for older people too, June, 2021

PERS Insider: PERS Industry Reacts to Connect America Acquisition of Lifeline, May, 2021

New York Times: Wirecutter, Best Smart Home Devices for Seniors, March, 2021

ASA Generations Forum: Tackling the Digital Divide, December, 2020

Telecare Aware: The Future of Remote Care Technology, Dec, 2020

LiberateHealth: Home is Becoming the Hub for Life and Care, Dec, 2020

Consumer Reports: How to Handle Issues With Medical Alerts, Nov, 2020

Wall Street Journal:  How Covid-19 Will Change Aging and Retirement, Nov, 2020

MobilHealth News: Designing better tech for seniors means simplifying tech for everyone, Nov, 2020

New York Times: In Isolating Times, Can Robo-Pets Provide Comfort, September, 2020

Kiplinger: High Tech Aids for Aging in Place, September, 2020

Senior Housing News: Senior Living Tech Spending Skyrockets, September, 2020

Home Care Magazine: Alexa Take Care of Me, August, 2020

Better be Nice to the Boomers: They have all the Money, July, 2020

Seniors who struggle with technology face telehealth challenges, July, 2020 

Did Mom Take her Medicine?  NYTimes, June, 2020 Keeps Seniors Connected Over Video Chat, April, 2020


2020 Argentum Senior Living Executive Conference, January, 2020

New Smart Home Devices Make it Easier to Age in Place, January, 2020

The Latest Tech to Keep You Safe and Independent at Home, January, 2020

Health Protection vs. Privacy - Information for Doctor Alexa? August, 2019 

California Healthline: Doctor Alexa will see you now, July, 2019

AgeUK: Healthy Ageing – different life habits for different decades, July, 2019

Forbes: Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit, June, 2019

Next Avenue: Beyond Mobile Health Apps, May, 2019

WSJ: New Financial Apps Aim to Protect Elderly, May, 2019

Mobihealth News: White House Report on Healthy Aging, March, 2019

Dwell: 9 Smart Home Technologies for Aging in Place, Feb, 2019

Policy, device compatibility efforts will invigorate healthy aging technologies, Feb, 2019

Welcome to Your Forever Home: Smart Tech For Aging in Place, Feb, 2019

Manageable Technology Makes 'Aging in Place' More Possible, Nov, 2018

Remote Monitoring to Keep Older Adults Independent and Safe, Oct, 2018

Apple Watch - A Trend Too Far? Telecare Aware, October, 2018

Technology Can Help Us Age in Place, Sept, 2018

Apple Makes Play for Seniors With New Smart Watch features, Sept, 2018

The Power of Voice in Healthcare (VOH Summit), August, 2018

At-Home Elder Care Goes High Tech, August, 2018

Voice Assistants Can Help Older Adults, August, 2018

A Tech Test to Keep Seniors in Their Homes Longer, July, 2018

Voice, independence-focused technologies drive aging in place forward, June, 2018

Sensors help smartphones keep eye on solo seniors, February, 2018

The Thrive Center Unlocks an Innovation Hub for Senior Living, February, 2018

IG Living: The Silver Tsunami and Aging in Place, February, 2018

CES: Tech for the elderly is a growing area, but founders should think more, January, 2017

Tech Tools Combat Social Isolation, September, 2017

Wherefore Wearables? September, 2017

Baby Boomers Fuel a Wave Of Products Meant to Help Them, June, 2017

Smart Technology Helps Seniors Seniors Age in Place, February, 2017

NY Times: As Aging Population Grows, So do Robotic Health Aids

NY Times: To Reach Seniors, Tech Start-ups Must First Relate to them


"“Laurie Orlov the digital industry analyst, believes the hackneyed image you or I might have of the typical senior — an old man befuddled and annoyed, trying to fire up a Zoom call — is out of date. I wholeheartedly agree.” - Abbie Richie, Senior Savvy

"Once again, you created a practical roadmap for tracking a fast-moving market space serving older people. Here’s my take on the report, waxing lyrically about your future/forecasted state...”Wearables are good for older people, too!” -- HealthPopuli

"I found many reasons for expanded optimism in a recent Aging and Health Technology Watch report by Laurie Orlov. It’s packed full of insights and data." -- Aloe Care Health

"Laurie Orlov was one of my favorite speakers because she is always looking forward and not just a single vision." 

"Laurie has tremendous experience in the aging in place segment and has been a thought leader on the development of our concept." 

"See the recently published California HealthCare Foundation report written by Laurie Orlov, the foremost expert on aging in place technologies." MobiHealth News

"Congratulations on your Senate testimony! Great knowledge transfer by everyone involved in the aging in place/advances with technology. I really am thrilled to see your impact in this sphere."

"Anytime I have a question about home monitoring, Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) or anything else related to technologies for seniors, I go to her site." 

Integrity Award What's Next Boomer Business Summit

"Your information about aging and technology is superb! Thank you for all of the updates and info regarding hearing and computer technology for the aging population!" - Home care agency

"My favorite expert on aging and technology, [is] Laurie Orlov, who runs a fantastic research consultancy about a big trend among seniors/boomers  “aging in place.” Once you start asking around on this subject Laurie’s name will come into every conversation." -- Lee Rainie, Pew Research

"Your excellent blog on technologies for aging in place provides such an important service to the public, and we greatly admire your thought leadership, advocacy, and analysis of elder care tech trends." Council on Contemporary Families

Finalist for Best Senior Living Blogs by Individuals

Nominated for an ALTY award from Assisted Living Today for best senior care blog

Nominated for 'Best Aging in Place Blog Awards", "Bridging the tech boomer-senior market divide", Assisted Living Today

