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2024 What's Next Longevity Venture Summit (online)

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Poor design hampers their use.


Assisted living and memory care communities have a “distinct advantage.” 


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But if these devices are so smart, why can’t they talk to each other?

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tablets and eReaders

Consumer Cellular serves AARP target audience -- now and in the future

Last week we caught up with CEO of Consumer Cellular, John Marick, who talked about its now-nationwide service offering -- no contract service intended for the low-usage cell phone user. The firm went from being a small Northwest cell phone service reseller in the Northwest to becoming a national provider. Key to their offering:

Vendors who should target boomers and seniors -- Part 2 in a series

Vendors never want to miss a market, inadvertantly bypassing an audience that may love to buy their products -- if they only knew more about them. So why don't vendors with great potential in boomer and senior audiences -- and even some loving customers -- try harder to make this match clearer?

It's Spring - Five tech changes to make now

It's been a long winter -- between the news, the weather, and news about the weather. As spring has sprung (or nearly so in blizzard-bombarded regions), let's think about excellent spring-time opportunities for seniors, families who care about them, and the residential environments in which they live.

Aging in Place Technology Market -- new, real, next, now

Some called me crazy. Maybe an analyst who sees the non-tech world of aging through a tech-focused set of tinted glasses. When this blog began and I ranted about the importance of describing and shaping a business market of technology to help boomers and seniors successfully age in their own homes, I received virtual quizzical looks from many experts. I am a determined (some might say obnoxious) sort, however, and as I began to interview people, go to conferences, speak to industry experts, and write what I'd learned, I became more and more convinced.

Repurposing infrastructure -- Verizon Chaperone and other market extensions

I spent some quality time this weekend writing and then losing a blog entry to a software crash. Computers. Gotta love 'em.  But I got to thinking about simplification, packaging, and reuse. If you think about it, how resourceful and enterprising business people are! Just think -- from one year to the next, contractors and interior designers move from new home building and decorating to renovation and retrofit. Car rental companies like Hertz get into the hourly car use business to compete with Zipcar.

Aging in Place technologies -- a qualified endorsement in the NY Times

For those of you in and around this industry, this is very cool. Today's NY Times has a lengthy front page feature by John Leland called "Sensors Help to Keep the Elderly Safe, and Living Independently at Home." Give it a read.


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