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Poor design hampers their use.


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BioSensics is excited to unveil its latest product, Frailty Meter


BioSensics is excited to unveil its latest product, Frailty Meter, at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting this week in San Antonio, TX.

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Six technologies from American Telemedicine Association (ATA) 2017

In 2017, has telehealth and remotely-delivered care evolved? Compared to our published research dated 2011, times may have changed. As surveys have indicated, the healthcare industry is interested and more committed to mainstream use of telehealth technologies.  And telehealth vendors want to help doctors and patients gain mutual benefit of care provided at home versus hospital, especially to lower care delivery costs; augment care for patients in locations far from a specialist or during off-hours; and continue growing the ability of patients and families to self-monitor chronic disease.  In 2016, CMS published a list of covered telehealth services, and no doubt commitment to cost reductions (and reimbursements) in the coming years will result in an expanded list and further industry commitment.  Perhaps ATA's smaller conference will evolve to become part of other sets of conferences, like Connected Health in Boston or part of the ever-growing HiMSS conference collection.

Virtual health challenges with gamification can drive behavior change and may lower blood pressure


-Social influence and financial incentives in the form of health challenges with motivational messaging can help drive sustainable behavioral changes that are associated with lowering blood pressure, according to a study presented by higi at the American Heart Association's 2016 Council on Hypertension Scientific Sessions.

Beyond Verbal Wins Frost & Sullivan’s Visionary Innovation Leadership Award Using Vocal Biomarkers


TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Beyond Verbal (www.beyondverbal.com), the world leader in voice-driven Emotions Analytics, has been recognized by Frost & Sullivan as the winner of the 2016 Global Voice Analytics for Disorder Diagnostics Visionary Innovation Leadership Award.

Seven intriguing health technology offerings from HiMSS 2017

HiMSS – a tech-enabled vision of health potentialAs health spending approaches 20% of the US GDP, health tech innovation has become a visible lever for its curtailment. At this annual HiMSS event those with comfortable shoes could see a plethora of ways to improve outcomes, lower costs, change behaviors, engage patients, streamline the back office processes, about telehealth, confronting the onslaught of security breaches, sessions on population health, healthcare transformation and improved care delivery workflow.  This was an opulent show, spanning a 1300-participant exhibit hall with major player (anchor) exhibitor booth investments writ large.  Here are seven interesting examples that could benefit the older adult market– listed in alphabetical order:


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