In a non-travel week, I have more time to speak to vendors, both pre-launch and launched. Here are three launched to add to the list of tech vendors to support caregiving (or 'circle of care' as it is sometimes described). None require any specialized equipment or device in the home. And no doubt each would welcome your contacting them to learn more about their offerings:
The Florida Council on Aging (FCOA) and the Florida Association of Aging Services Providers (FASP), in partnership with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA), are pleased to announce the next in their series of annual conferences designed on the theme, Better Together. The 2010 Conference will be held August 16-18, 2010 at the Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando. The 2009 Conference attracted 576 registrants, 130 presenters and over 100 volunteers. Even in these tough economic times, the Florida aging network recognizes the value of training and networking.
CHICAGO – Emota, a technology startup company based in Menlo Park, Calif. that develops software and services for care of elderly patients, has announced its new "emotional networking" product, which it says will help clinicians, caregivers and families support wellness for the aged, enabling connectedness over long distances.
Emotional networking complements existing telehealth solutions, seeking to address not just clinical health, but emotional and social aspects of elder care.
A trip down advocacy lane. Whew. I just came back from downtown Washington DC, where I was within a short walk of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the organization that sponsors the certification for aging in place -- CAPS.