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The oldest baby boomers turn 80 in less than a year, and the senior housing market is moving from glut to shortage.


Waterlily, a startup that aims to predict long-term care needs using artificial intelligence, secured $7 million in seed funding.


Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.


AARP's AgeTech Collaborative now has a family of nearly 180 start-ups that address a broad range of products and services. 


Dealing with companies, customer service can take valuable time. Let your favorite AI bot come to the rescue.

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Home Care

Smoke signals and caregiving apps -- what should they do?

The year of the 'care'. As one VC executive, Andy Donner of Physic Ventures, noted recently, this is the year of the 'care'. There seems to be a growing list of vendors who are trying to offer some sort of 'keep in touch' product that connects an older person with family members who may live elsewhere.  The basic element is to provide some means to signal 'concerned about you' from family members and obtain the response 'I'm all right' from the older family member back to them -- accompanied by the ability to react in the event that the response is not received.

Wellcore Announces Automatic Fall Detection and Wellness Monitoring System


Wellcore Announces Automatic Fall Detection and Wellness Monitoring System
New Wireless Belt Clip Keeps Seniors Safe, Independent and Always Connected to Caregivers and Family

What to do in 2010 with the tech trends from 2009?

There are multiple ways to view the technology market for aging in place -- in the 2009 Market Overview, relevance is described as matching stages of frailty, and products are categorized by role in successful aging.

The nirvana of aging in place and other age-related reality disconnects

It seems as though there is a seasonal cluster to everything -- conferences (spring and fall), concerts (fall through spring), and... communication about surveys and studies. During the fall of studies announcements, we've seen some interesting and sometimes ironic juxtapositions:

New Report Caregiving in the US 2009


Comprehensive Report Details the Prevalence, Implications, Costs of Caregiving and Demographics of Caregivers

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Elder Care iPhone Apps from Presto and Doctor Marion


Caring for an Aging Parent? There's An App for That, Too! Elder Care Goes Mobile with New iPhone Apps from Presto and Doctor Marion


Gerontologist/Elder Care Expert Teams With Expert in Senior-Friendly Technology to Offer Proven Caregiving Advice When and Where It's Needed Most

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Starting your own business to serve boomers and seniors

I have heard from a number of folks in recent months about the businesses they are starting, some number of whom have published what they want to do or are doing on the Forum link on this site.  So I would like to ask and answer a few questions about doing so. In particular:

Concord resident uses web to transform elder care


Concord -

Concord resident Jim Reynolds last month opened Caring Companion Connections, a home services agency that adds a 21st century twist to in-home elder care.

CCC’s caregivers, known as Companions, use smartphones, such as BlackBerrys, to upload photos, activity logs and daily reports to a Web portal tied into a landline at the client’s location and viewable by loved ones in other cities or towns. 

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PERS -- growth for security dealers,misleading for seniors and caregivers

This has been going on for some time -- the slow or no growth in the home security industry -- and the potential for expanding into a new line of business offering Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS), aka 'medical alarms'. This security industry article outlines the great opportunity for home security providers and their 'rapid response' (RMR) call center vendors.

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