June -- it was the worst of times. Who can comprehend that 43% of Covid-19 deaths are linked to nursing homes? Who could have imagined the economic impact of job loss and (almost all) business shutdown? Who could have speculated that senior living organizations would have occupancy levels nationwide below 88%? Who would have thought that telehealth definitions would include phone calls and Facetime? Most importantly, as so many families were reminded, their aging relatives had not adopted any of the devices and software that would enable face-to-face communication. Or that high speed internet would not be available in nursing homes or the dementia care units in assisted living where their relatives now lived. Let’s hope July is better! Here are the five blog posts from June 2020:
Speaking today at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, University of Chicago professor R. Tamara Konetzka, PhD, told lawmakers about the relationship between nursing home quality and COVID-19, and shared measures to reduce the effects of the pandemic on nursing homes.
Senators convened the hearing, titled "Caring for Seniors Amid the COVID-19 Crisis," to investigate the disproportionate harm older adults across the country are experiencing due to COVID-19 and explore what can be done to better protect this population.