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Meeting the preferences of aging family, but harming caregiver's own prospects.


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Consumer Cellular serves AARP target audience -- now and in the future

Last week we caught up with CEO of Consumer Cellular, John Marick, who talked about its now-nationwide service offering -- no contract service intended for the low-usage cell phone user. The firm went from being a small Northwest cell phone service reseller in the Northwest to becoming a national provider. Key to their offering:

Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) -- time for differentiation, more residents needed

It's been raining in Philadelphia. A lot, and somewhat metaphorically as well. Inside this convention of management of mostly for-profit Senior Living housing companies (and 300 exhibitors trying to sell to them), the keynote theme was about differentiation. Why it's so important, because filling the buildings of attending companies -- like Brookdale, Sunrise, Emeritus, Bell Senior Living, Country Meadows -- these days is tougher than ever.

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Should service and housing providers be certified in technology for aging in place?

In nearly every aspect of service delivery, service providers strive to attain certifications of agreed-upon minimum standards of knowledge and competence -- for example: of course there are technology certifications in technology categories (see Microsoft, Cisco).

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Ten perfect storm drivers of market opportunity for aging in place

If you look at all of the factors together, entrepreneurs, executives of established companies, and venture capitalists should be able to synthesize and grasp the business opportunity staring them in the face. Offer services to the right market tier - either a supplier to or a family member of this well-heeled population, and what you see is what you can get. Read the links and brainstorm the possibilities.

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The Intel-GE Alliance -- What's it mean? Not too much...

The GE-Intel alliance -- with an associated $250 million of joint investment over the next five years -- announced this past week could get everybody in the tech industry excited.  Even the business pundits that watch them are all aflutter about the possibilities for aging in place technology.


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