Wellcore Announces Automatic Fall Detection and Wellness Monitoring System New Wireless Belt Clip Keeps Seniors Safe, Independent and Always Connected to Caregivers and Family
Don't get me wrong -- I love my BlackBerry. Really for no reason except that it fairly reliably buzzes wherever I am so that I can read e-mails, 80% of which are basically junk. Which makes me a true junkie, I guess. Otherwise, my PC is vastly preferable -- with its big screen, connected to the fiber that I am lucky enough to have connected to my house. My cheap cell phone is a (slightly) better phone and doesn't make me feel like I am talking on a calculator.
For those of you still staring at your computer screen in 2009, I just have one (!) more thing to say. Okay, well maybe 10 things. Here are my wishes for the tech market that has, but has not yet fully realized, the potential to better serve baby boomers and seniors in 2010.
There are multiple ways to view the technology market for aging in place -- in the 2009 Market Overview, relevance is described as matching stages of frailty, and products are categorized by role in successful aging.
It seems as though there is a seasonal cluster to everything -- conferences (spring and fall), concerts (fall through spring), and... communication about surveys and studies. During the fall of studies announcements, we've seen some interesting and sometimes ironic juxtapositions:
Adding an expert to this blog! I am so excited -- Liz Boehm, Principal Analyst extroardinaire at Forrester Research, would like to contribute her insights on aging in place and I am so pleased to have her write and to introduce her to readers. I'll let her explain it herself -- why writing about this matters to her, but this is great for those of us who care about the topic and want to accelerate the pace of understanding and adoption.
The planes are becoming full of holiday travelers... At Thanksgiving time, I wrote a blog post about visits with aging family members -- and being on the lookout to see if they need help remaining independent. In that post, there were links to videophones, eBook devices, computers with cameras, and a variety of other useful items that you may have noticed could be helpful.