Hear Laurie in one of the following:

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Questionable diagnoses triggered extra Medicare Advantage payments; ‘It’s anatomically impossible’.


Used informally in medical care, despite other approved devices being available to track the same metrics.


Sensi.AI does remote monitoring with small listening pods placed around the home.

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MobileHelp® Safety-focused Products Enhance Consumer Safety Net


BOCA RATON, Fla., Oct. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- For the nearly 90 percent of older adults who plan to age in place in their homes, MobileHelp®, a leader in mobile Personal Emergency Response Systems (mPERS) and healthcare technology, has created a product and service portfolio designed to provide continuous and unobtrusive assistance throughout the home – and outside of it.

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eTagz Speaks For You When You Cannot


Palm Springs, CA – October 4th, 2019 - eTagz.net ™ QR Medical ID

eTagz is a QR medical ID that comes in the form of a QR Medical IDs. In an emergency the QR code can be scanned and Instantly your critical medical profile with emergency contacts will be available to first responders or EMT.

Reinventing old age? Some MIT tech assertions are simplistic

MIT Technology Review’s "Old Age is Over" is thought provoking.  Or in the case of the technology section – "Old Age is Made Up," written by Joe Coughlin, head of the MIT Age Lab, the content is just plain provoking. We agree that old age is made up – but in this article, that assertion is underpinned with generalizations that are just, well, also made up. And it shows a lack of understanding about who benefits from technologies that exist in their current form, or that some of those have been upgraded well beyond his generalizations.  Consider:

Ten Technology Offerings From CES 2019 - Beyond Gadgets

Bright Lights, thick smoke, constant walking and avoidance maneuvers.  After taking a year or two off, returning to CES is a chore and a revelation – it clearly is the major event for new technology announcements. Gadgets, yes, too many smart wearables, including underwear, too many near misses of being run over by gangs of oblivious young guys staring at their phones. If there was a key trend in all of this racket, Sleep has become a tech obsession, the uptake of Digital Health is almost here, new variants of companions and assistants were pervasive, including Google Assistant inside everything and Amazon voice devices everywhere.

Philips Cares App Launches to Digitize the Aging and Caregiving Experience


Role reversal, complexity and cost put tremendous strain on families as they go through the challenges of aging.

The Apple Watch and Fall Detection – What’s it Mean?

When Apple speaks, a puzzled market listens. When Apple announces, industries crane their necks to hear. Last week they announced two features of a new watch, ECG monitoring and fall detection. In July, Tim Cook apparently did not want to get into the world of FDA regulation. Well, that was then – or he just wasn’t saying. In this new watch, both the ECG feature and fall detection have received FDA clearance within 30 days of applying, startling some observers who noted that closer to 150 days was more typical for a medical device.  Healthcare observers are concerned that false positives from ECG readings could propel people unnecessarily to already-overloaded Emergency Rooms. To date, the Apple Watch may have been of greatest interest to 40 year old males. Interestingly, 70% of cases of atrial fibrillation are among the 65+ population.  Does Apple really want the 65+ population to buy an Apple watch?


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