Pricing matters -- and for senior-housing sales, it's unrealistic. Looking forward today to the Boomer Venture Summit event here in California, where the sun is shining and the San Jose airport is filled with signs of tech this, enterprise that. But I have also heard this week about stalled deployments of tech projects in the non-profit senior housing sector due to low occupancy, confirmed in this May 28 investor report.
Big conference, lots of empathy and caring. It's been a while since I attended an event exclusively focused on Alzheimer's -- I wondered if the curiosity about technology potential I encounter at so many other events would be duplicated.
Lots of detail about the under-65 crowd. We are a society so consumed by age bracketing and labels, you'd think there was enough data to meet all the needs of marketers.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – May 27, 2010 Today, the Aging Technology Alliance ( announced the appointment of its first chief executive officer, Bud Myers. For years, Mr. Myers served as Sr. Director of Merchandising at boomer-focused catalog and online retailer FirstSTREET ( and is a well-known expert in the baby-boomer and consumer electronics markets.
Older Americans -- so lucky to have their own month. And the merry month of May has been as hyped up as any: judging by the 4.6 million items that popped up with a Google Search ("Older Americans Month May 2010").