In a non-travel week, I have more time to speak to vendors, both pre-launch and launched. Here are three launched to add to the list of tech vendors to support caregiving (or 'circle of care' as it is sometimes described). None require any specialized equipment or device in the home. And no doubt each would welcome your contacting them to learn more about their offerings:
You've got products to improve the lives of AARP members. This week I had a chance to chat with Jackie Berdy, who is 'Exhibition Space and Sponsorship Programs Consultant' for the AARP Orlando@50+ event September 30-October 2.
Assumptions, aspirations, and realism. In recent here-there-everywhere travels, I was often intrigued by assumptions that were cited as fact. I heard about barriers to adoption, narrow-cast definitions of broader opportunities, and sweeping generalizations about markets too broad to characterize. That last, of course, is the so-called baby boomer market -- discussed all day at a well-run event in Tampa -- the Florida Boomer Lifestyle Conference.
Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business and Mary Furlong & Associates are soliciting business plans for the seventh annual Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit and Business Plan Competition, taking place at Santa Clara University on June 15—16, 2010.