Hear Laurie in one of the following:

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Young boomers who will turn 65 between now and 2030 - half will only have $250K in assets.


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Questionable diagnoses triggered extra Medicare Advantage payments; ‘It’s anatomically impossible’.


Used informally in medical care, despite other approved devices being available to track the same metrics.


Sensi.AI does remote monitoring with small listening pods placed around the home.

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Florida Boomer Lifestyle Conference April 15, 2010, Clearwater, FL


Leading Industry Analyst to Report on Aging in Place Technology Trends at Florida Boomer Lifestyle Conference on April 15

Aging in Place Technology Watch’s Laurie Orlov to discuss business opportunities in sector projected to hit $20 billion by 2020

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AARP and those boomers, recareerers and home-related professionals

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Senior housing trends for the next 10 years -- what's the starting date?

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