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AI and machine learning


AI and machine learning

Five conclusions from AI and the Future of Care Work

The report is published, the feedback positive, observations strike a chord.  Necessity will drive AI usage in care work across all five care types (healthcare, home health care, home care, senior living, and Skilled Nursing Facilities). Issues of worker shortage, staff burnout, or migration of care work into the home will result in broader deployment of AI technology (whether explicitly or inside other software tools). And regulatory initiatives will help overcome trust issues for consumers. Over the next few years, care organizations will make more disciplined use of their own data that an AI technology such as a chatbot can access or present to a caregiver. The changes that are most likely within the next five years? See today-future comparison chart below and check out the report here.   

Iveda and Movement Interactive deliver AI-remote monitoring


MESA, Ariz., Nov 14, 2023 – Iveda® (NASDAQ:IVDA), the global solution for cloud-based AI, announced today that Movement Interactive, powered by Iveda, has delivered on a $200,000 contract with 

New report: AI and the Future of Care Work 2023

Why AI will be an enabler for care work. Healthcare delivery is migrating away from the hospital. As care delivery and consumer expectations change, the traditional fee-for-service model has already morphed into the new era of health-care consumerism – a patient-organized mix of self-care, urgent care, and in-home care, avoiding emergency rooms or long wait for a doctor visit. More seniors used telehealth at home during the pandemic – and today the landscape is set for growth in the use of AI in care delivery to augment, assist, and in some cases provide care:

AI and the Future of Care Work

The report is a comprehensive analysis of the aging population trends and crisis in care work today. It examines the increasingly significant role that artificial intelligence and machine learning can play to address today's workforce challenges posed by an aging population. The report predicts the rise of the AI Caregiver, explaining how AI technology over time will help deliver a data-driven care continuum across organizations, mitigate workforce shortages and improve care delivery for the consumer, a population of one. 



WAYNE, Pa., October 25, 2023/Press Release/ ‐‐ HandsFree Health™, provider of WellBe® – a secure, HIPAA-compliant, voice-enabled virtual assistant platform announced today a series of significant AI wellness capabilities – sentiment analysis, behavioral pattern assessment and predictive decision support. These AI features are designed to monitor an individual’s emotional and physical health and well-being
without human input. Sentiment analysis in conjunction with behavioral pattern

Four factors underpin AI potential in health and home care

The US population is aging and will be needing more care. You read it every day in the popular press – the bad news about the 65+ and their future care burden and the good news about the 65+ and their wealth (22% of US spending in 2022). Even with wealth, older adults at some point in their lives will need some level of assistance. While professional care providers will play a key role, increasingly their work will be augmented by software -- apps, machine learning and conversational AI. Why?


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