Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
Chatbots can be helpful to older adults and families. As part of research on the Future of AI and Older Adults, interviewees are talking about the potential role of chatbots – and why they should matter. Not surprisingly, a search for ‘chatbots and older adults’ reveals research studies targeting those aged 60+, startup investment, for example, Lena, which evolved into Lena Health for scheduling appointments, and a small study about what makes a compelling chatbot. But for older adults or families who hesitant about searching for information or frustrated with online sites or call trees, chatbots can be the ideal solution. They can also boost tech confidence and user self-sufficiency. Although the real purpose of chatbots is to save response center labor and boost efficiency – they should help the user get what they need. Consider that:
But will chatbots be yesterday’s news? Finally, these chatbots may find themselves obsoleted by conversational AI tools like BingChat’s “Ask me Anything” responding to a question about the senior living locations in a specific town after which it suggests asking multiple follow-up questions, including cost and services offered, like memory care,and then answers with references sourced. No contact info, though, so at some point the user is sent off to the source websites. But for those who are unsure even of the question, the responses are very, uh, chatty.
From Amy Stapleton via LInkedIn
I don’t think it’s an either/or when it comes to chatbots and LLM-powered conversational AI. I think the chatbot examples you cite will, or should, at some point incorporate more of the power of LLMs to better understand the person’s request and provide useful answers. Those answers could be tailored based on the community the person is inquiring about. Lots of possibilities!
From Michael Nowak via LinkedIn
Laurie: Once again, thank you for this timely post on the possible use of existing tech solutions to address aginginplace and accessability.